Monday, February 3, 2014

Quilt Challenge

It's the middle of a big, bad winter.  We've had so much snow, freezing rain, subzero weather and a couple of polar vortexes.  So, what better contest to have for January than to make a quilt.  We know it's no longer January, but we're only a few days behind schedule.  Please forgive us.

We both have been working  hard on a quilt.  We had no idea what fabric or quilt pattern the other twin had chosen.  It was no surprise when the reveal happened that we made two totally different quilts.  One is a bold log cabin block quilt made from solids.  The other quilt is made of low volume prints with a giant clam shell quilt pattern.

Now, you get to decide which quilt you would choose to stay warm under during this unending winter.  Just for the record, we're supposed to get 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow.  So a new quilt is in order for some unsuspecting person(s).

Log Cabin Quilt

Clam Shell Quilt

P.S.  We don't claim to be professional quilters.  Don't judge us too harshly.  Just vote!!!