Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Christmas Sewing Challenge

I realized this morning that 3 months from today is Christmas.  Yes, can you believe it!?  So....in honor of that, our sewing challenge this month is Christmas.  Our challenge was to make a Christmas item.

The first item is a cool modern stocking.

The second item is a modern interpretation of the Christmas tree. 

 We will be involved in some craft shows this fall.  Here is our schedule:

Oct. 27 -- HCO Craft Show (Delaware, OH) -- Jan*
Nov. 2-3 -- Chris Cringle (Champaign, IL) -- Jan & Joy
Early December -- Open House at Joy's -- Joy

*Awaiting confirmation

If you're planning to attend any of these craft shows, you'll see these or similar cool items for sale.

Remember to vote for your favorite Christmas item.


  1. I love both items!!! Did you use a tutorial or pattern for the stocking? Our new mantle could use new stockings this year :-)

  2. I didn't use a tutorial or a pattern for the stocking. I traced an old stocking I had because I liked the size, sewed fabric strips together and cut it out. You probably can't tell in the photo, but I sewed it together on the outside and then pinked the edges. Very easy!!!
